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(Guest Post) Sony 90mm F2.8 macro – Rats – I bought a bad copy!


This is a guest post from Marolou. To write a guest post follow the instructions on that page. Thanks!


Could this be? –  Every review a read about this famous lens was full of praise about sharpness…

End of June I happily took my first photos with this “Best Prime” – awarded lens.

First some portraits on close distance and macros:

Everything looked fine, for the first six pictures. Then a portrait at a distance of ca. 5m. I tried for several times. I could not get the eyes sharp.

Could be my fault. Then I tried some landscape and found out, that the lens suffered not only of a “trace” of corner softness. But look for yourself:

I got my Canon 70-200mm F2.8 to take a comparison shot:

Wow, this looked much better. I felt bad, so I contacted my online shop and asked for a replacement (sending in the photos). They were understanding and very cooperative. Only some days later I could test the new copy, with much better results:

Some comparison pictures:

Left upper corner:


Between center and right border of frame

Comparison_between center and right border of frame

Close to center = focus point (The fig tree)


Lessons learnt: Test every lens you purchased the next few days despite what you are/where reading in the different reviews.

Link to Flickr:


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