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A nice eBay finding: Voigtländer 25mm f/0.95 with NEX adapter!

[shoplink 5973 ebay][/shoplink]

While I was searching for a new lens on eBay I found a [shoplink 5973 ebay]Japanese store[/shoplink] selling the Voigtländer 25mm f/0.95 along the MicroFourThirds to NEX adapter. The whole set costs you $1,450.00 which is not so expensive. Click the link to see the auction: [shoplink 5973 ebay]Nokton 25mm for NEX[/shoplink]. The lens will vignette quite a bit but if you want a better f/0.95 lens the only option is the $10,495.00 cheap [shoplink 5974 ebay]Leica 50mm f/0.95[/shoplink] :(

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