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Samyang will develop autofocus lenses too!


Last year we reported that Samyang will make autoficus lenses for the E-mount system. Well, within the next couple fo days Samyang will officially launch the new logo you see here on top. And they will also announce the development of their first autofocus lenses! Great news for all E and A-mount camera owners because Samyang is well-known for their high optical quality and relatively low priced lenses.

P.S.: Currently Samyang sells their lenses under different brands. Don’t know if they will get rid of that confusing strategy. Here are the brands linked to ebay lens search results:
[shoplink 5759 ebay]Samyang[/shoplink]
[shoplink 5755 ebay]Walimex[/shoplink]
[shoplink 5756 ebay]Rokinon[/shoplink]
[shoplink 5757 ebay]Opteka[/shoplink]
[shoplink 5758 ebay]Falcon[/shoplink]
[shoplink 5760 ebay]Vivitar[/shoplink]
[shoplink 5761 ebay]Bower[/shoplink]


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