Reconditioned Zeiss 35mm f/2.8 FE lens for $299 on Amazon

There are two new reconditioned deals:

  • Zeiss 35mm f/2.8 FE for $299 on Amazon
  • Sony A6500 for $599 on Amazon

You can now use our checkout code “RUMOR” to get an additional 15% discount on all TOPAZ products (Click here). This is what you save on the single products:

Last day to save 25% + 15% on the new TopazLabs Sharpen AI plugin using our code

Topaz recently released a major update to their Sharpen AI software. And today the regular 25% discount is set to expire!  Be aware you save $20 and additional 15% using out checkout code “RUMOR” at checkout. Know that the code gives you additional 15% discount on all TOPAZ products (Click here).

On this website you can use their interactive tools to see how the plugin performs. Below there is a video showing the new features:

First $50 discount on the new Tamron 20-24-35mm FE lenses

For the first time we got a $50 discount on these three (high quality) Tamron FE primes:
Tamron 20mm  f/2.8 at Adorama, FocusCamera and BHphoto.
Tamron 24mm  f/2.8 at Adorama, FocusCamera and BHphoto.
Tamron 35mm  f/2.8 at Adorama, FocusCamera and BHphoto.

You can now use our checkout code “RUMOR” to get an additional 15% discount on all TOPAZ products (Click here). This is what you save on the single products:

Today only: $330 off on the Zeiss Batis 85mm f/1.8 FE Lens at BHphoto

Today you save $330 on the Zeiss Batis 85mm f/1.8 FE Lens at BHphoto (Click here).

Deals Reminder:

Peakdesign launched a worldwide super sale on nearly all their products at, Amazon Peakdesign Storefront, BHphoto and Adorama. The sale runs through April 6 at 11:59pm PT.

You can now use our checkout code “RUMOR” to get an additional 15% discount on all TOPAZ products (Click here). This is what you save on the single products:

Peak Design Worldwide Super Sale: Save up to 40% on almost Everything

Peakdesign launched a worldwide super sale on nearly all their products at, Amazon Peakdesign Storefront, BHphoto and Adorama. The sale runs through April 6 at 11:59pm PT.

You can now use our checkout code “RUMOR” to get an additional 15% discount on all TOPAZ products (Click here). This is what you save on the single products:

Lowest price ever: Sony A9 for $3,111 only and Zeiss 35mm f/2.8 lens for $632 at Amazon US

These are now the lowest price ever on those products:

You can now use our checkout code “RUMOR” to get an additional 15% discount on all TOPAZ products (Click here).

All ongoing software deals: