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Here is a great Sony A7s video entirely shoot with moonlight only!

Moonlight | Sony A7s ISO test
from Carbon Studios on Vimeo.

The Sony A7s is one of those few cameras that can expand your creativity. Here is just an example of a video shot in moonlight only! Carbon Studios writes:

“The first scene was shot at 1/25th, f/1.4, 25,600 ISO, The second scene was shot at 1/25th, f/1.4, 32,000 ISO. We did not add any color grading, noise reduction, or sharpness.  All of the clips are straight out of the camera shot in the PP2 setting. You will notice some purple fringing around the left side, The Metabones adapter that we rented had a light leak issue from what it looks like. Sony has done an amazing job in creating this camera especially after seeing the quality that has come out of this camera. Gear used:
Sony A7s
Metabones EF to NEX Smart Adapter II
Zeiss 55mm 1.4 Otus
Zeiss 28mm 2.0

Sony A7s store links:
Sony A7s in USA/CA at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Sony USA, Sony Canada.
Sony A7s in Eu at Sony DE, UK, ES, FR, IT, NL, BE, AT, CH, SE, NO, FI, PL. And Wex UK.
A7s Gariz leather case in [shoplink 27569 ebay]Black (Click here)[/shoplink], [shoplink 27570 ebay]Brown (Click here)[/shoplink], [shoplink 27571 ebay]Red (Click here)[/shoplink] and [shoplink 27572 ebay]Orange (Click here)[/shoplink].

And here is the Carbon Studio team on the location:

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