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New Nikon and Canon FF with faults. Hope Sony learns the leasson!

Canon 5D Mark III ‘light leak’ causes underexposed photo’s from on Vimeo.

When Sony launched the [shoplink 8461]Sony A77[/shoplink] we were one of the first websites to report the flaws and limits of the camera. You may would think that these kind of things would not happen with the Canon and Nikon cameras specially when they are aimed for the pro market. But as you see they are also having some troubles:

Canon 5D markIII ($3499)
Light leak issue problem (Canonwatch). And the problems has been confirmed by Canon itself (via CanonWatch).

Nikon D800 ($2999)
Greencast, memory card and tethering issues (Nikonrumors). “Exploded” D800 (Dpreview).

I hope Sony will not make a mess with the A99. They should release a mature product with no major flaws and ZERO Hardware problems. If they can manage to do it they may will dethrone the most sold DSLR camera of the moment (the Nikon D800 according to A. rankings).

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