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Sony interview at AP. 36MP FF and an interchangeable RX1 alike camera are a “possibility”.

Amateur Photographer posted an interview made with Toru Katsumoto and Tetsuya Numata from Sony. Here are some interesting info:
– They recognize that many people love the optical viewfinder and this is true especially for full-frame products. But Sony believes the EVF technology is better and the future.
– The very interesting info is that Sony confessed that they didn’t use the 36 million pixels sensor because “we couldn’t do 60p video or produce the same sensitivity levels“. De facto they confirm the Nikon D800 sensor is made by them! They also add: “When the technology improves we can increase the pixels.
– When asked if there will be a Higher than A99 FF model they answer: “It is a possibility“.
– Sony ddint’ opt for the XQD cards because it “consumes a lot of power“.
– When asked if the RX1 could eventually be redesigned as an interchangeable lens camera they answer again: “It is a possibility“. One more thing about the RX1: Sony has no plan yet to make a RX1 wide angle or telephoto adapter.

Editor’s note: There are three Key PRO FF products Sony has to work on:
1) An entry level FF: The Nikon D600 is now in Stock at Amazon and already back on top of the ranking (see here). There is definitely a market for a $2000 SLT FF camera!
2) A high end Photographic  centered High Megapixel camera: While the A99 is an almost perfect hybrid camera there is still some room for a more photographer oriented High Megapixel camera a la Nikon D800.
3) An interchangeable FF camera styled like the RX1 would have no competition on the market (I do not count the over expensive Leica M cameras).

A99 body Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Jessops, Wex UK, Wex Germany, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH and more links at Alphacameradeals.
A99 with kit lens links Alphacameradeals.
RX1 Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Wex UK ,Wex Germany and more links at Alphacameradeals.
NEX-6 body Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Wex UK, Wex Germany Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH and more links at Alphacameradeals.
NEX-6 with kit lens Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Jessops, Wex Uk ,Wex Germany and more links at Alphacameradeals.
NEX-VG900 Amazon, BHphoto, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH, Wex Uk and more links at Alphacameradeals.
NEX-VG30 Adorama, Amazon, BHphoto, Wex UK, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH, and more links at Alphacameradeals.
Sony E-mount 16-50mm Amazon, Adorama, Wex UK, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH, and more links at Alphacameradeals .
Sony E-mount 35mm Amazon, Adorama, Wex UK, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH, and more links at Alphacameradeals.
Sony E-mount 10-18mm Amazon, Adorama, Wex UK, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH, and more links at Alphacameradeals.
Sony A-mount 300mm f/2.8 Amazon, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH.

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