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Sony TidBits…

Sony A99 – DSLR Fast Start

Sony hosts workshops with the World Photography Awards in London (Dpreview).
Sports á la NEX-7 (Matthewdurrphotography).
HolyManta internal ND lens Adapters (Fundedbyme).

Icie: “I did a creative environmental portrait shoot with the NEX-5R and some lights. Mostly used a tilt adapter with a Leica Elmarit-R 28mm f/2.8 lens for this.

Marcin:I’m currently a member of Dyxum and I just saw one of the recent posts by Eric Lew. He recently came back from his trip to Antarctica and shared with us his amazing pictures. He mentions horrible conditions he encountered and how it not affected the way his Sony A77 worked as well as 16-50 and 70-400 Sony lenses. You can find his blog along with those pictures under this address:

JinJu:I’ve found this info on a Korean dslr fan site. The reason for RX1’s slow AF speed is turned out to be its hardware, specially the heavy lenses that are actuated for focusing. I’ve included brief translation of the post. the first one is the translation, the other being the original text

Chris:For your readers work roundup I have a test comparing the A99 to the Nex5n and EM5 video. The A99 is terrible, much worse than the Nex5n and the EM5.”

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