Sony A57 already listed at Redcoon Europe!


Next Tuesday Sony will announce the new A57 SLT camera with 16 Megapixels. And stores are already preparing the new preorder pages. So it comes that you can now find the void A57 listed at Redcoon Belgium, Redcoon Germany and Redcoon France.
A part of the new 16 megapixel sensor and the 1,44m dot viewfinder the A57 is pretty much the same camera like the A65. I will cover the A57 presentation here on SAR on Tuesday morning (6-7-8am London time). Stay tuned!


Amazon is finally shipping Nex-7 kits after 154 days delay!


Our reader Haija sent us the screenshot you see here on top to confirm that after 154 days delay Amazon US is now shipping the first NEX-7 with 18-55mm kit lens. Right now only third party resellers at Amazon (Click here) are offering that kit (overpriced!).

I missed that: While I was comfortably sleeping in my European bed plenty of Zeiss 24mm f/1.8 lenses for NEX (Click here) were available at Amazon. It run out of Stock quickly but it managed in that short time to become the most sold mirrorless item of the store (Click here to see the current rankings).


Genge (Sony): Working Full Frame DSLT camera (no plan to make a new DSLR).

[shoplink 3032][/shoplink] And here we are again with the SLT versus DSLR discussion ;)
Techradar (Click here) had a talk with MR. Paul Genge from Sony UK. Paul once again confirmed that. “We made a clear statement during IFA, our president made a statement that we were going to be looking at full-frame as the next introduction for SLT“.
As you know Sony discontinued the production of the A580, A850 and A900 cameras and doesn’t list those cameras in their Sonystores anymore. Asked about this Paul said: “We have no SLRs in our line-up today, and our intention is to develop the SLT technology and make that a real stand-out in the market.

I guess this puts an end on all DSLR hopes. SLT is the future! But if you ask me , the only real long term future is NEX and other future FF mirrorless systems. I think that will be the future of Sony!


Here are the search links to the last three DSLR cameras with optical viewfinder (you may will not find them anymore):
Sony A900 [shopcountry 3032].
Sony A850 [shopcountry 3028].
Sony A580 [shopcountry 5509].


(UPDATED) New Sony NEX-7 reviews and corner issues discussions.


The video on top shows the NEX-7 on the [shoplink 11747 ebay]Vivicam Slider (available here on eBay)[/shoplink].

There is a new full NEX-7 review at ePhotozine (Click here) and of course it gets Highly Recommended. But no camera is 100% perfect and Klaus from Photozone says there are some corner issues on the NEX-7. Links:
I know Klaus very well and I know he absolutely likes the Sony NEX system. The NEX-7 corner issue doesn’t change the fact that the NEX-7 is a damn good camera. Just like any camera be aware of the limitations!

UDPATE: There is one more hands-on review at SonyAlphaLab (Click here).

Another reader sent me this: “Still waiting for my NEX 7, but in the meantime my Hawk’s Factory Close Focus Leica M – Sony E adapter arrived.  Lets you mount Leica M lenses, just like any other adapter, but it also has a focusing helicoid built in to let you focus 50-80% closer than usual with any M lens.  Here’s my review, though you might be interested as it’s exclusively a Sony E mount product right now:“.
The in Stock status of the NEX-7 is changing every day. So feel free to use these linsk to check if and where it is in Stock: [shoplist 8454]


(SR5) Sony A57 for $699 and available in April. A37 coming later…


On March 13th Sony will announce the A57 and it will cost $699 (body only). The camera will ship in April. That’s $200 less than the Sony A65 ($899 on Amazon). The only major differences withe the A65 are the lower resolution viewfinder and 16 Megapixel sensor. The design is 99% the same of the A65 pictured here on top.

One more thing: With the new splitting-up announcement strategy Sony decided to introduce the A37 some times after the A57. NEX and camcorders are also coming within the next two months.

Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!


(SR5) 70-400mm G II and 70-200mm GII will arrive in late 2012 early 2013 only


To protect my sources I can’t tell you the full story but I have been told that the Alpha Lens roadmap contained an error and the 70-400mm and 70-200mm G II lenses will arrive in late 2012 early 2013 and not in early 2012. Again, it wasn’t my or the sources error. I should get some details about the definitive roadmap soon. Also about the NEX lenses.

Sorry guys, I know this are news you don’t like to hear from me :(


(SR5) Sony A57 with 1,44 million dot viewfinder. NEX in April.

[shoplink 8459][/shoplink] I already told you in previous posts that the A57 is almost equal with the [shoplink 8459]Sony A65[/shoplink] in terms of features and design. The main difference is that it uses the same superb 16 Megapixels [shoplink 8452]Sony NEX-5n[/shoplink] sensor. But there are also other differences. I have been told that one of them is that the A57 will uses a 1,44 million dot viewfinder instead of the 2,4 million dot OLED EVF of the A65. My sources said you don’t really notice a major difference. On paper the A55 had a 1,44m dot viewfinder too but only 1m were actually used. The A57 will “use” them all.

The biggest plus of the camera is the lower resolution sensor that in theory should give you less noisier images at High ISO. But we will see if that hope becomes true when the camera gets announced on March 13th.

One more reminder: The NEX-F3 and the new Sony camcorders will be announced in April. And I have been told that there will e an announcement in May too!
