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Yasuyuki Nagata at Dpreview: New 600mm lens is designed to be used on faster cameras than the Sony A9!

Dpreview interviewed Yasuyuki Nagata from Sony. Here are a couple of interesting tidbits:

Dpreviews clear take away from this is that the A9II release is not far away:

The a9 is a seriously powerful camera, capable of communicating with compatible lenses at a rate of sixty times per second, but at some point it will be replaced by something even more powerful, with a higher sensor resolution, and capable of even greater performance. A lens like the G Master 600mm F4, with its twin high-speed ‘extreme dynamic (XD)’ linear focus motors, has to be designed with this kind of development in mind.

I told you folks, the A9II is close…and if the rumors we get are right it will be announced in late summer/early autumn!

USA Preorders:
Sony 200-600mm FE at Amazon, BHphoto, FocusCamera, BuyDig and Adorama.
Sony 600mm FE GM at Amazon, BHphoto, FocusCamera, BuyDig and Adorama.
EU Preorders:
Sony 200-600mm FE at Calumet DE. WexUK. ParkCameras. Calumet NL. Cameratools NL.
Sony 600mm FE GM at Calumet DE. WexUK. ParkCameras. Calumet NL. Cameratools NL.
Asia Preorders:
Sony 200-600mm FE at Sony Japan. Sony Australia.
Sony 600mm FE GM at Sony Japan. Sony Australia.




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