First leaked images of a new Laowa anamorphic zoom lens

I just got these images of a new anamorphic zoom lens from Laowa. As you can see from these images this is NOT the current 25-100mm t/2.9 cine lens. The image also appears to show the EF-mount Z-Cam. The source told me the following:



PetaPixel is wrong: not Fuji but Sony is more likely to announce a new Full Frame fixed lens camera!

PetaPixel claims that Sony gave up on the RX lineup and that Fuji is our best hope to get a new Full Frame fixed lens cameras. But I think they are wrong! I have finally a tiny bit of hope that Sony will launch a new RX1 camera in 2024. I have no final confirmation yet…but because It’s Christmas time and I am allowed to express my wishes: I hope this will be the world’s first Full Frame camera with curved sensor and 35mm f/1.4 lens!

Message to source: Can you spill some more info on the video part?

A source just shared an info I know to be true (as I already got this from trusted sources). May I ask the source the following:

1) Some more info on the video cameras (As7IV???)

2) I heard something unique about a certain lens…did you get something?

3) Please use a nickname so that I know that it’s you and that I can trust your info. Thanks!

P.S.: The source used the anonymous contact box and this is the only way to reach out to him.

Message to source: Thanks for the info…but what about thew A7sIV?

A super reliable and trusted source contacted me via rumor box. The only way I can ask him question si by publishing a post on SAR. SO here are my questions for him:

  • Thanks for all the info, but can you confirm the A7sIV is coming in 2024 or not?
  • You happen to have some info on competition too? Hint….DJI :)
  • When you mention a release period…this is when the product will start to be on the market. Announcement is going to happen 1-2 months earlier right?
  • I am sure there will be more lenses than the ones you mentioned  right?


First WILD rumors about the Sony A7sIV specs: 2 layer sensor and crazy ISO performance?

The A7sIII is nearly four years old. So it’s now due of a replacement. But I did not get any info yet from trusted sources about when to expect the new A7sIV. Sometimes I even wonder if tere will be ever a new A7sIV because of cameras like the FX3 and A9III that can do perfectly fine video too.

All I am getting now are wild rumors from unknown sources. Here I am going to share one of them just for the sake of discussion. Would a A7sIV with 2 layer sensor make sense to you? Here are the rumored specs:

My info about A7siv – Actual: 20.5 Megapixel
Effective: 19 Megapixel same/similar as FX9, but with 2 layer transistor and large photodiode for 2x low light.

Stacked sensor.
No global shutter but very low rolling shutter.
No AA filter.
6k120p 6k60 6k30 6k24.
4k120/60/30/24 Oversampled from 6k crisp image.
8 stops ibis standard plus dynamic active stab.
Dual iso with second iso at 25600 !
Slightly Improved evf, screen.
Better ergonomics.
No overheating new radiator to withstand increased resolution and oversampling.

All the best.
Price increase from 3499$ to 4000$ only.