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New image samples with the new 90mm FE macro lens (by Gustav Kiburg).


Bildschirmfoto 2015-03-04 um 07.59.30

Finally we see some nice real world image samples taken with the new 90mm FE macro lens that will ship in June/July only (sigh!). They have been shot by Gustav (JSvogel on Dyxum). Gustav writes:

all picture`s are taken handheld ….my first impression of the lens the build quality is very good , the lens is pretty big , and its held in your hand very good

Here are the images. Because this is a pre-production lens full size images are not allowed to be posted. All images are copyrighted by Gustav Kiburg ( Please do not repost them without his permission!


DSC09729 DSC09426 (2)  DSC09463 (2)

The image below is the 100% crop of the image above:

DSC09463 (2)-2  DSC09565 (2)

The image below is the 100% crop of the image above:

DSC09565 (2)-2
All images by Gustav Kiburg (

So what do you think about the lens after seeing those images?

90mm macro preorder links:
In USA at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
In Europe at Sony Germany, Sony UK, Sony FR, Sony IT, Sony ES, Sony NL, Sony BE, Sony AT, Sony CH, Sony SE, Sony FI, Sony NO, Sony PT.
In Asia at Digitalrev, Sony Australia.


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