From two reliable sources: Camera is ready but Sony didn’t feel they need to rush the A7sIII…but this might change now!
Sony A7sIII:
Two very reliable sources told me that Sony has zero need to rush the A7sIII launch. A7III is still selling hot and the A7sII has no competitor yet. That’s why they didn’t launch the A7sIII yet. That said the camera is 100% ready for launch whenever Sony feels it’s the right time.
I hope that the new Panasonic FF mirrorless will finally make push the red button to Sony and launch the new camera. Unlike Canon and Nikon we can expect Panasonic to give us top-notch video features when it gets announced on September 25.
For now I do believe the High End APS-C E-mount camera will be announced first and the A7sIII will follow shortly after…
Thoughts on the new Full Frame Mirrorless war:
We can expect Canon, Nikon (and in minor measure Panasonic) to be hot topic on magazines and website for the upcoming months: Release, tests, in Stock status notifications and so on. I think it’s crucial for Sony to announce something that can take away the spotlight from the competition. They cannot afford to be on the defensive.
Honestly I don’t see the A7sIII being the camera doing that. It simply is a too specialized niche camera. A7III and A7rIII are still young on the market and a new A9II is certainly not going to be announced any time soon. I think something like a new A9r or a new medium format system camera would be dealbreaker but honestly I don’t think that’s going to happen yet…
What do you think?