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UPDATED: German company Meyer-Optik-Görlitz “germanifies” the Zy Optics lenses.


Bildschirmfoto 2015-02-27 um 15.51.40

The Germany company Meyer-Optik-Görlitz took the Chinese Zy Optics f/0.95 lenses and “upgraded” them. UPDATE: Meyer-Optik-Görlitz contacted me to share the following info:

“Components for Meyer-Optik-Görtlitz lenses are :
*   sourced internationally
*   assembled, adjusted, tested and therefore made in Germany
*   shipped with a 5 year guarantee from a German manufacturer”
*   Our lenses are improved in terms of material characteristic and mechanical quality
*   To name a few: We use alternative components, eg. use materials supplied by a supplier of the German Avionic industry to guarantee precision
*   we apply high-tech oils to improve slide ways and adjusting ranges
*   special focus is assigned to quality assurance and minimization of the serial spread. Thus our QA testing and adjustment for each lens takes up to 3,5 h and 2 h on average.
*   Our close quality tolerances currently lead to a  reject rate of 50% for core components

This means they add a serious quality control on the Zy Optics lenses.

Their Nocturnus 35mm f/0.95 E-mount lens is priced at 1.999 Euro and has the exact specs of the 2-3 times cheaper [shoplink 33793 ebay]Zy Optics 35mm f/0.95 lens you can find on eBay (Click here)[/shoplink]. The same lens also can be found under the [shoplink 33798 ebay]Mitakon brand name (Click here)[/shoplink].
Their Nocturnus 50mm f/0.95 E-mount lens is priced at 1.999 Euro and has the exact specs of the 2 times cheaper [shoplink 33795 ebay]Zy Optics 35mm f/0.95 lens you can find on eBay (Click here)[/shoplink]. The same lens also can be found under the [shoplink 33799 ebay]Mitakon brand name (Click here)[/shoplink].



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