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Is the A7rII closing the gap to DSLR? Thoughts by Matt Granger.


Matt Granger is a long time friend of SAR and one of the few reviewers that I think to be truly independent (hard to find them nowadays). ON the video above he shares his thoughts about the current state of the Sony A7 system. The question is: Beside all the hype for the A7rII is Mirrorles really catching up with the best DSLR on the market?

A7rII and RX camera preorder list:
A7rII at Amazon, BHphoto, AdoramaSonyStore US, FocusCamera, Uniquephoto.
RX10m2 at Amazon, BHphoto, AdoramaFocusCamera, Uniquephoto.
RX100m4 at Amazon, BHphoto, AdoramaFocusCamera, Uniquephoto.
In Europe at:
A7rII at Sony DE, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, CH, AT, SE, FI, NO, PT. Wex UK.
RX100m4 at DE, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, CH, AT, SE, FI, NO, PT. Wex UK.
RX10m2 at DE, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, CH, AT, SE, FI, NO, PT. Wex UK.
In Asia at:
A7rII at Digitalrev, CameraPro.
RX10m2 at Digitalrev, CameraPro.
RX100m4 at Digitalrev, CameraPro.


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