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(SR5) Zeiss Cp lenses for E-mount coming.

[shoplink 5419][/shoplink] After today's Sony announcement there are many rumors floating around the web about the upcoming lenses. A very reliable rumor says that Zeiss will make the CP lenses…

Kipon tilt-adapter for NEX cameras.

[shoplink 5391][/shoplink] I was looking for a new adapter for NEX and I cam across something I never saw before. Kipon sells [shoplink 5391]tilt adapter[/shoplink] for NEX cameras. You might…

POLL: Flip-up mode for the translucent mirror

As you have seen from the latest DxOmark test there is a sensible image quality difference between the translucent [shoplink 3617]A55[/shoplink] and the classic [shoplink 3028]A580[/shoplink] DSLR. The main cause…

HX100v and HX9v price and preorders.

Amazon is now accepting preorders of the new HX100v (Click here) and HX9v (Click here). I tried to find some videos that do show how well the new 1080p60 recording…

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