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Strong Sony mirrorless sales figures in USA!


Bildschirmfoto 2015-09-18 um 07.12.46

Imaging Resource had a meeting with the Sony folks in USA. And they shared the chart above which finally clearly shows how Sony’s interchangeable camera business is growing:

The presentation included stats from market research firm NPD, stating that Sony has been the #1 mirrorless camera maker for the last four years running. As with everyone else, 2013 was pretty awful, but check out the numbers since then. For the first half of 2015, their ILC sales were up 42% over 2014. Let’s underscore that: 42 freakin’ percent growth, in a generally down market. 


Sony has shown an impressive ability to develop technology and innovate, and I guarantee that the results the DI division is turning in will translate into even more investment there going forward. I have no idea what’s coming next, but am confident that the next few years will see even greater advances than we’ve seen in the last few.

Yes, we can expect great things from Sony!

The only thing that worries me here is that A-mount seems to be completely out of the picture. And Also the APS-C E-mount systems needs a sign from Sony (A6100 and new APS-C lenses).

One more wish:…we need bigger cameras too. A new A9 series with larger body, larger batteries, better grip/balance with bigger lenses, no overheating issues and so on…that would be nice!

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