(SR3) HOT: New Sony A1S with Full Frame square sensor!!!
[shoplink 11918 ebay][/shoplink]A [shoplink 11918 ebay]6×6 Hasselblad camera[/shoplink]. Is it time for a digital resurrection of square photography?
I am working on that rumor since a long time. Multiple sources keep me informed about interesting Sony camera prototypes that do break the usual monotony and long living paradigms of the current digital photography market. Today I am going to post the rumor about one of such “strange” models and a second rumor about another model will follow soon the next days.
The new A1S SLT camera with square sensor:
According to two different sources Sony has a working prototype which one of my sources told me is called “A1S“. The real incredible news is that it has a Full Frame square sensor. Don’t know if it is 36mm x 36mm or a bit smaller. The source said that “will change the world of Full Frame photography“. The very good news is that all current Alpha and Minolta Full Frames lenses will work on it without any issue! I am working on that rumor since a very long time now and I hope this post will help me to get more info about the A1S from my anonymous trusted sources.
As long as I recall no digital camera ever had a square sensor while in the film era we had plenty of [shoplink 11916 ebay]6×6 medium format cameras (Click here to see them on eBay)[/shoplink]. The list includes the super nice [shoplink 11917 ebay]6×6 Rolleiflex[/shoplink] and the [shoplink 11918 ebay]6×6 Hassleblad[/shoplink] cameras.
My first thoughts: I would be super happy to see such a camera. First it would create something unique Canon and Nikon never have done! Take that Nikon D800 and new Canon 5D! ;) I love the square format and it’s also super practical because you always have the freedom to crop the image in post production. I would like to hear what you think about such a camera! And here is a poll too:

Reminder: We are talking about a camera prototype and I have no info yet if the camera will be really hit the market sometimes near. That’s why the rumor has an SR3 value only….for now!
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!