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(SR4) More news about the rumored GH1 Sony competitor…


As you know 10 days ago we reported that Sony is working on a Panasonic GH1 competitor. We received the news from one of our trusted sources (and a second source confirmed the rumor). We also received the rumor saying there will be a November 18 Sony announcement. Both rumors were/are true, but our mistake was to think they were connected to each other! In this days we tried to understand what’s really going on with the supposed new Sony mirrorless video and still camera. Now we can tell you a little bit more!

Sony has already a REAL! prototype of mirrorless video and still camera which uses a APS-C sensor. The bad news is that the camera is going to be presented on Photokina 2010…that’s in September only :(
As soon as we have more infos we will post it. We will also be a little bit more careful in future (to not repeat mistakes anymore).

In the meanwhile let Sony know what you want:

What do you hope to see announced at CES on January 5?

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