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Super offer on an E-mount lens I had completely forgotten existed :)


Today only you save $300 on the Tokina atx-m 23mm f/1.4 Lens sold by BHphoto (Click here). This is an APS-C autofocus lens announced back in 2020. Almost forgot it existed!

More interesting deal of the day for hikers like me is this one: $360 off on the LowePro Backpack sold by BHphoto (Click here).

Reminder: Those Sony rebates run this til June 2 at Amazon, BHphoto, Adorama. Some special mentions:




Tamron and Rokinon:

  • Tamron 28-75mm III lens for $699 only at Amazon US, BHphoto and Adorama. This is the lowest price ever on an excellent and much beloved kit lens!
  • Rokinon/Samyang AF 135mm f/1.8 FE now for $622 only at Amazon and BHphoto.


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