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The deal is back! $220 off on the Tamron 150-600mm lens for Sony!


[shoplink 40600 ebay]tamron_superzoom_amount[/shoplink]

The super telephoto lens deal is back! Beachcamera is selling a very limited quantity of Tamron 150-600mm lenses for Sony through their [shoplink 40600 ebay]eBay Store (Click here to grab one)[/shoplink].Be sure to select the “Sony” version from the drop down menu!

As I reported last time (when the deal went sold out within 24h) this is a great A-mount lens you can use on your E-mount cameras too. The lens got tested on the A7II by Luminous Landscape:

The on-sensor phase detection AF of the A7 MKII and the system’s focus tracking capability allowed for capturing these completely unpredictable penguins as they jumped from the water. Their position can’t really be anticipated and their time above water is faster that one’s ability to anticipate.Virtually every frame out of hundreds shot showed excellent lock-on and tracking. I frankly don’t think that I have ever used a long zoom lens / camera combo that could have done better.

Here is the image of the new Sony A7rII with Meike grip and the Tamron 150-600mm f/5-6.3 SSM superzoom. Courtesy of  SAR reader Gilles Frydma. P.S.: You can buy the Meike grip on Amazon US (Click here) or via many [shoplink 39175 ebay]eBay sellers (Click here)[/shoplink].


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