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First unconfirmed Sony A9III specs: Same A1 body, 33MP and 40fps


Around November 7 Sony will have a major product announcement event. It’s near certain we are going to get the final 300mm f/2.8 GM lens specs and pricing info. I am still not 100% certain about the A9III but I think the chances are very good the camera will be announced on that very same event. Also the A1 firmware update could be launched on that day.

All I know form trusted sources is that the A9III uses a new stacked sensor to make it the world’s fastest FF camera. The more detailed specs I am receiving are not from my long time trusted sources so while I am going to share some of them today keep in mind I am yet not 100% sure about this:

  • Nearly same A1 body
  • 33-36MP sensor
  • no 8K
  • 40fps 12 bit RAW
  • 30fps 14 bit RAW
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