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Sony A6400 vs A6500 vs Fuji X-T3 spec comparison


You can see the full spec comparison between the new Sony A6400 and the A6500 and X-T3 camera on that special BH comparison page. It’s crystal clear the A6400 is a A5100-A6300 hybrid successor and not a new High end APS-C. Sony has to bring a serious Fuji X-T3 competitor which might be named A7000. The WPPI show is coming in February and let’s hope Sony will release it on that event!

And Dpreview published some A6400 hands-on photos:

On the surface it might appear that not much has changed since the a6300, with the addition of a flip-up touchscreen and an HLG option for high dynamic range video not seeming to signal a major update. But then there’s the stills and video autofocus.

To say that the autofocus system got an overhaul would be an understatement. We’ll be spending plenty of time photographing bikes, running children and who knows what else in the next few days, but our early impressions of the Real-time Eye AF and Tracking features are extremely positive.

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