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(SR4) 16-35mm GM and 135mm FE lenses coming soon…


Batis 135mm f/2.8 vs the [shoplink 48572]Zeiss 135mm f/1.8 A-mount[/shoplink] (CameraSize).

Last week we reported about a possible imminent announcement of the 16-35mm FE GM lens and another 135mm FE lens. Well today a trusted source confirmed two lenses are coming:

“Like 16-35mm f2.8 GM and 135mm portrait lens.”

So still no info on the aperture of the 135mm lens but it will be faster than the newly announced Batis 135mm f/2.8. Sony is expected to announced the 16-35mm GM lens between late May and June. I don’t know if the 135mm FE will be announced together with the 16-35mm GM or sometimes later.

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Andrea (SAR editor)

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