This week SAR readers photos selection.


Miguel Quiles
I managed to get my hands on the Zeiss Batis 85mm 1.8 last week and used it at my “Dramatic Portrait” class at Adorama. The lens feels well built, focus is quick and is one of the sharpest native lenses I’ve used so far! Here’s an example shot taken at f/1.8.

1) Submit your picture with a message and picture here: or on the SonyAlphaForum image section.
2) Like and comment the pictures from other readers here: and on SonyAlphaForum.
3) A selection of most liked pictures by the community and by me SAR admin will be posted weekly on SAR.

Note: When sending a pic feel free to also add a link to your site to promote yourself!

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New Tamron A and E-mount lens savings at ProDigital eBay.

[shoplink 36916 ebay]Bildschirmfoto 2015-02-19 um 12.45.21[/shoplink]

Prodigital has a new list of discounted Tamron A-mount and E-mount lenses on their eBay page:

[shoplink 38709 ebay]$250 off on the Black Tamron 18-200mm E-mount lens (Click here)[/shoplink] [shoplink 38710 ebay]$250 off on the Silver Tamron 18-200mm E-mount lens (Click here)[/shoplink] [shoplink 38712 ebay]$260 off on the Black refurbished(!) Tamron 18-200mm E-mount lens (Click here)[/shoplink]

[shoplink 38704 ebay]$120 off on the Tamron 70-200mm lens (Click here)[/shoplink] [shoplink 38705 ebay]$80 off on the Tamron 150-600mm lens (Click here)[/shoplink] [shoplink 38706 ebay]$100 off on the Tamron 24-70mm lens (Click here)[/shoplink] [shoplink 38707 ebay]$120 off on the Tamron 70-200mm macro lens (Click here)[/shoplink] [shoplink 38708 ebay]$60 off on the Tamron 16-300mm lens (Click here)[/shoplink] [shoplink 38711 ebay]$210 off on the Tamron 90mm macro lens (Click here)[/shoplink] [shoplink 38713 ebay]$120 off on the Tamron 10-24mm lens (Click here)[/shoplink] [shoplink 38714 ebay]$130 off on the Open Box Tamron 10-24mm lens (Click here)[/shoplink] [shoplink 38715 ebay]$140 off on the Tamron 28-75mm lens (Click here)[/shoplink] [shoplink 38716 ebay]$100 off on the Tamron 18-270mm lens (Click here)[/shoplink] [shoplink 38717 ebay]$130 off on the Tamron 70-300mm lens (Click here)[/shoplink] [shoplink 38718 ebay]$210 off on the Tamron 90mm macro lens (Click here)[/shoplink] [shoplink 38719 ebay]$220 off on the Tamron 17-50mm lens (Click here)[/shoplink]


First Underwater Shots with Sony FE 90mm F/2.8 macro. Nude pics shooting with the A7.



SAR reader Phil Rudin posted the First Underwater Shots with Sony FE 90mm F/2.8 macro on SonyAlphaForum (Click here).
And SAR reader Michael shot some beautiful Sony A7 nude pictures with the [shoplink 38735 ebay]$10,000 Leica Noctilux-M 50mm f/0.95 ASPH (here on eBay)[/shoplink]. You can see one (no nude) picture on SonyAlphaForum (Click here). On the site you will find the link to the complete picture collection (warning the collection contains nude images).

90mm links:
In USA at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, [shoplink 37938 ebay]eBay US (Click here)[/shoplink].
In Europe at [shoplink 37991 ebay]Fotomundus[/shoplink], Amazon Germany, Sony Germany, Sony UK, Sony FR, Sony IT, Sony ES, Sony NL, Sony BE, Sony AT, Sony CH, Sony SE, Sony FI, Sony NO, Sony PT.
In Asia at Digitalrev, Sony Australia.

Preorder links:
Zeiss Batis 85mm f/1.8 lens in US at Adorama, Bhphoto. In Eu at Amazon DE, WexUK. In Asia at Digitalrev.
Zeiss Batis 25mm f/2.0 lens at Adorama, Bhphoto. In EU at Amazon DE, WexUK. In Asia at Digitalrev.
In Europe and Asia the Loxias can be found in Stock via [shoplink 36456 ebay]eBay sellers (Click here)[/shoplink] and Digitalrev (Click here).


Sony Tidbits…(Gatorade commercial shot on the FS7)


Gatorade: “From Running Away to Moving Forward”
from Luminary Visuals on Vimeo (Shot on the Fs7).

Andy (Gatorade video on top):we think the ad serves as a great example of the high level of work that can be done today with a low budget, in large part thanks to the abundance of incredible shooting equipment available for such a low cost.

Today Gold Box deal on the Intenso Micro SDXC 64GB at Amazon Germany (Click here and scroll the horizontal deal bar).
Sony A7 and Minolta 35-70mm review by Philip Reeve.
Took my a6000 and a7ii to a f1 race for work (SonyAlphaForum).
LOL: THere is a man inside the raptorsuite (Dinosaursart).

Ben:There are often claims, that the Raw File compression used in ARW files (c-raw) yields Issues for high contrast capturing like nightsky photography. I want to show, that this niche problem can be overcome and that night sky photography can even be achieved with the venerable RX100M2.
Below you have the links to the original and the developed version of the Image. I used “expose to the right” technique and pulled down the image brightness in post by over 5 stops before starting the rest
of the development. I do not want to say that Raw Compression is a non issue but I want to encourage people to deal with limitations of their camera. Most of the time limitations can teach you a lot about photography.


BHphoto Batis hands-on. 25mm Batis review at Mirrorlessons.


BHphoto posted that Zeiss Batis 25mm & 85mm Lenses First Look video. The store also shipped out the first preorders to SAR readers but they are now all sold out. The next Stock is supposed to arrive sometimes in mid August. I guess we will have to be very patient just like it happened with the still not in Stock Loxia lenses.

Mirrorlessons posted the full Batis 25mm FE lens review and writes:

The Zeiss Batis 25mm is yet another great lens for the Sony FE system. It isn’t perfect and vignetting can be the most annoying thing to deal with especially on the A7r. There is also some perspective and barrel distortion that can be easily fixed in post-production. Otherwise, it provides great sharpness, is perfectly usable at f/2 and has an excellent bokeh rendering when you focus close. It has a fast autofocus mechanism and the OLED screen can be useful for astrophotographers.

Alexander Voss:Real raw’s from the 7r and the brand new batis. Feel free to share. Best greetings. Alexander

Batis store links:
Zeiss Batis 85mm f/1.8 lens in US at Adorama, Bhphoto. In Eu at Amazon DE, WexUK. In Asia at Digitalrev.
Zeiss Batis 25mm f/2.0 lens at Adorama, Bhphoto. In EU at Amazon DE, WexUK. In Asia at Digitalrev.

Loxia in Stock:
Kenmore camera has the [shoplink 38519 ebay]50mm Loxia (Click here)[/shoplink] and the [shoplink 38518 ebay]35mm Loxia (Click here)[/shoplink] in Stock.


New Sony A7rII full size image samples (including RAW).


New Zealand photographer Carl posted new A7rII full size image samples on Flickr (Click here). There is also one single RAW file you can download at Proimagenz. He writes about the A7rII:

I had the chance to spend about an hour with the camera today so thought I would blog some very brief thoughts as my time is limited tonight.
Viewfinder – Terrfic, much bigger then the previous versions and really enjoyable in use.
Shutter –  MUCH better, really well dampened and silent shutter is precisely that, no sound at all, nada. Yay!
Feel – as you would expect if your a A7II user. Although this camera does feel a little more nuggety due to its more metal construction. I like it.
Focus – is everything its previewed it would be. With native lenses it is swift, broad and (as far as I can tell initially) accurate.
Adapted lenses – Wow! Incredible! Using Canon EF lenses with the Metabones III the focus was just like a native Canon camera. Very fast and torquey. No backwards and forwards like previous models. I also used the Commlite adaptor which wasnt nearly as quick sadly. Still fairly good and highly usable but not in the same league as the Metabones thusfar.

via Dpreview.

A7rII preorder list:
In USA: at Amazon, BHphoto, AdoramaSonyStore US, FocusCamera, Uniquephoto.
In Europe at Sony DEUK, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, CH, AT, SE, FI, NO, PT. Wex UK.
In Asia at Digitalrev, CameraPro.


“Saker Falcon lite” Canon EF to E-mount adapter coming in August!


Bildschirmfoto 2015-07-23 um 21.11.14

DEO Techart launched a special teaser site (Click here) for their new Canon EF to Sony E-mount adapter.  UPDATE: We have been notified that this adapter will NOT have a translucent mirror. because of development reasons the translucent version release has been delayed til next year.
That non.translucent version called “Saker Falcon lite” will be announced in August. A first picture of the adapter has been published by SAR few weeks ago (see below). Deo Techart already sells plenty of other [shoplink 38676 ebay]Sony adapters on eBay (Click here)[/shoplink]. Including the unique [shoplink 38677 ebay]Contax G autofocus E-mount adapter (Click here)[/shoplink].

