(SR5) Sony camera announcement on Tuesday between 4-6pm London time. No A7000 yet!

UPDATE: The A6400 has been announced! You can read all about it on that special SonyAlphaRumors page.

Three highly reliable sources confirmed Sony has a product launch event this week. One of the three sources gave me those info:

1) The announcement is tomorrow (Tuesday) between 4-6pm London time.
2) Sony will announce a new camera. And it will be a mid-level APS-C camera.

So this doensn’t ssound like we are going to get the A7000 yet which Sony hinted would come more likely at WPPI and CP+). But the good news is that this should be a new more “affordable” E-mount camera which should please many of our readers that don’t want to spend $1,500 or more on a new Sony camera.

I don’t know yet if tomorrow Sony will announce new lenses too. My guess is the answer is yes but I got no confirmation so far!

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(SR5) Sony product announcement within 48 hours!

UPDATE: The A6400 has been announced! You can read all about it on that special SonyAlphaRumors page.

I just a triple confirmation about this…stay tuned….more rumors coming during the day!

UPDATE: No A7sIII folks, it’s something more “entry-mid” level…

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If you know “something” and want to share it anonymously please use the anonymous contact form on the top right of the sidebar. Please use a nickname so that I can recognize you in future messages. You can also contact me directly at sonyalpharumors@gmail.com. Use remailer.paranoici.org to send me an anonymous message if you prefer to do so.

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Some more background rumor noise on next week Sony’s event…

I am getting some more confirmation that indeed Sony has organized a major Journalists and Blogger gathering for next week. This is by far no 100% reliable proof that there might be a product announcement. But for sure there is a major effort from Sony to get them all together.

Only one source which has been sometimes correct in the past (but also wrong 1-2 times) said that for sure Sony will announce new lenses. Here is his message:

Big Sony E-mount announcement is coming very soon. Lenses for sure, maybe APS-C camera too.

Still, I cannot rank this rumor with SR4 or SR5 yet.

All I know with 99% certainty is:
1) that No A7sIII is coming yet
2) that the next E-mount camera should be announced soon and it should be a High End APS-C
3) 135mm f/1.8 GM should be announced too along a new APS-C lens

New Sony patents discloses details about the new 135mm f/1.8 and 100mm f/1.4 FE lenses!

Well this is an exciting news: I just spotted these newly published Sony patents describing the optical design of two new fast lenses:

135mm f/1.8 FE
100mm f/1.4 FE

Of course a patent is never a guarantee that Sony will bring those lenses into mass production. But I think in that case there is a very high chance these lenses are coming for real! I bet the 135mm f/1.8 will be one of the next E-mount lenses we will get from Sony!

Here are all details:

The competition is making their move: 8K cameras from Canon and Sharp!

Sony’s competition isn’t sleeping and there are quite some news to report:

This is a surprise. Sharp is the first company announcing an 8K mirrorless system camera. It has a MFT mount and full specs will be unveiled at NAB show in April. The cool thing is that it has a 5inch flip out screen. Would lo ve to get that one on a Sony! More info at MirrorlessRumors.

Canon officially confirmed that “8K video capable camera is already in our EOS R-series roadmap”. More info at CanonWatch.

Nikon announced a new update Z lens roadmap. I love those f/1.8 primes and I think Sony should make them too! More info at Nikoneye.
Nikon also said that it will add Eye AF, Raw video on Z6-Z7 cameras via firmware upgrade. More info at Mirrorlessrumors.

Panasonic confirmed their S1-S1R cameras will have HLG stills shooting mode. More info at L-rumors.

To sum up the “features” Sony doesn’t have right now and that the competition “announced”:
– 8K video
– 5 inch flip out screen
– f/1.8 primes
– RAW video
– HLG stills

Take note Sony…

Tony Northrup believes Sony will launch a 60mm f/0,94 autofocus GM lens in 2019 to annoy Nikon

Tony Northrup shared his 2019 predictions. While the A7000, A7sIII and A9sII predictions sound quite reasonable Tony added an unexpected bomb: He believes Sony will make a super fast autofocus lens.

Now call me crazy, but I do believe this would indeed make sense!

Of course Sony would not make any profit from such a lens. It would be expensive to make, expensive to sell and nearly nobody on this planet would buy it. But It would stop Nikon managers to keep bashing on the Sony mount. And forums, blogs and trolls would suddenly have no more arguments. So yes Sony, let’s show Nikon have we do a proper superfast autofocus lens!